"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible" - Arthur C. Clarke
I never thought I'd have a blog. Mind you, I like writing and a good deal of my professional life depends on that, but I never really considered it.
Until now.
The reason for this sudden change of heart is simple: I've been playing Eve for about two years now and the vibrant community our little computer spaceship game still amazes me. It took me a while to understand just how far reaching we, as a internet space faring society, are. I was never overly interested in the the backstory or the politics, to be honest: I just liked the feel of the universe, both graphic and as a cold, cruel, uncaring place.
Eve had caught my eye a few years back, but my girlfriend at the time was much more interested in WoW ("look at all the shiny elves and pet green spider pets for hunters") and I couldn't afford to have an Eve account for me and a WoW account for her, so the game just faded from my memory. When I finally started playing Eve I ran through the whole "WoW in space syndrome", then the "utter noob" syndrome (I still face-palm myself when remembering trying to shield tank an Incursus), then joining a corporation - making acquaintances, which grow into friendships, which grow into actual family like ties and here I thank everyone in Immortalis Silens: you have been more than you can imagine - until I finally reach the "I'm ok, though everyone is an eternal newbie in Eve" stage. Had a brief stint in 0.0, recently changed corp and was pleasantly surprised with the way I was welcomed. So much stuff and still I feel like I've barely scratched the surface...
I recently joined BTek. The only reason I did this was, you guessed it, because I read about it on Astral Dominix's Blog, otherwise I might have stopped playing Eve altogether. This made me realize just how much of a difference the willingness to share our Eve experiences might make.
But I digress... The thing is I always liked RPing - I played AD&D, "Vampire: The Masquerade", "Demon: The Fallen", "Hunter: The Reckoning" and "Vampire: The Requiem" (yes, I am a big fan of White Wolf - cruel, uncaring world... anyone sees similarities with our little game?!) - so I wanted to RP in Eve too. Something surprised me, though: there isn't much RP in game. I have my theories on the subject, I won't bother you with them. What I really wanted was a place where I could put up some short stories about a character that has a whole background created in my head, even if that never shows in game. And I come across all the blogs and all the amazing pages people have done about Eve... and I think I might just give it a go. So this is it: this is my go, my take on a familiar universe for so many of us. I will probably be filled with mistakes and things that collide with Eve cannon... most likely it will be riddled with clichés and things we have all seen, but I hope to have fun and I hope that whoever reads also has some modicum of fun.
So here we go, let's try to go a a little into the impossible.